Sedge Slaying
Pendulous Sedge (Carex Pendula)
This plant has become a pest in the last two years. We first spotted it late 2018. but it doubled in the next year, then doubled again in 2020. We are fearful of it doubling again this year. 2021
We are going to use a mixture of methods to try to control it.
We are asking people to pull up the small plants - especially those near the paths. Otherwise they will take over and smash up the footways. Many pepople seem to have responded.
We are also asking people to collect the fruiting heads so as to cut down on transmission. Watch the video - anyone can become a Sedge-Slayer!
Some of us are training to become licensed spray operators. We are in discussions with the Council about this. Many plants have now been sprayed with glyphosate,
Pendular Sedge dying after Glyphosate spray